Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Weird .... dream? •___•!!

Yesterday I had a weird dream wtf. I dreamt that I was locked in a prison for no reason wtf but the prison is spacious that full of windows! That's the only good part of the dream. Spacious and clean and i even have a personal washroom as in staying in hotel room lol. The view from the prison is my secondary school canteen wtf? Can anyone explain this?! I was like okay..what's going on. O_______O And there's a middle age man sitting on the bed of my prison room out of a sudden. I just don know how the man came in and sat there, quite scary when i'm writing this. And I couldn't remember his face too. He just sat there and told me his sad stories about how his wife left him and dead while I was busy closing all the windows because there's students peeking him and wanted to laugh at his stories wtf. And I wouldn't want anyone to tease at him so I scolded them. =_________= The dream just ended like this because I woke up after that wtf. It's not logic and people said dream resembles something? Idk. So what is this. Anyone? okthxbye. End of my boring story keke.

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