Monday, March 15, 2010

Update :D

Hi readers, just a random update.
I've just realized that I've been neglecting my blog for weeks. Sorry for my laziness and blah. You-know.
Promised to update more often[Trying] & complete the incomplete previous post.

Back to topic.
I'm back to school 1 week ago. Time passes when you're unaware.
Degree first year. From 18 to 19.
It's time that we should have a mature thinking instead of childish.
Even lecturers from my uni also said so. Somehow, I doesn't feel that in me.
Still me. Maybe I should make a difference now. Think of my future. Seriously.
Someone said that to me.
Excellent results doesn't ensure you'll have a bright future. Somehow, if you fail, you'll know the consequences.
Everything is in your hand. Succeed or fail? You decide.
Sometimes I doubt the decision I've made-Swinburne University.
Is that the real thing that I want & will it really lead me to a brighter future?
I have no idea. It was dark, I couldn't see where to go, but somehow, I know what I want.

My future is in my hand. I hope I am walking to the right path. Walking towards the happy life that I've anticipated. Bless me. Omitofo.


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