Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stay positive!

Hello everyone! I'm depressed because there's something that not suppose to happen. I don't think this is a good month because bad things happened continuously & this is burning my pocket. A big hole, seriously. But everything has a bright side lah, at least at least I'm okay with it now. :| Stay positive! :D

Monday, April 16, 2012

Self affirmation

It's 2323 right now. Laying on bed and playing with my phone again and this has became my habit every night after having a smart phone. It's a bad habit thou because I always play it after lights off.

Okay, recently read about the power of self affirmation to get why you want in life. I believe it because I listened to many real stories about it, it's like hypnotize yourself that you really have the power to make your dreams come true! You can write it down as many times you want. (shui ni Xi Huan) I don know whether you believe it or not, but I do!


I will graduate this year with good grades
I will graduate this year with good grades
I will graduate this year with good grades

I want to stay healthy as always
I want to stay healthy as always
I want to stay healthy as always

I want to be rich
I want to be rich
I want to be rich

I will get a job that I enjoy most with a good pay
I will get a job that I enjoy most with a good pay
I will get a job that I enjoy most with a good pay

Basically that's what I can think of right now. Brain is shutting down now, good night!

Mian <3

#follow me Mian1003 @instragram @twitter

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mobile blogging

I'm blogging on mobile again! It's so convenient lah, need not to turn on my laptop and also I play with my mobile phone everyday. So it's just like replying SMS but it's longer lahh. Actually I can't live without it now teehee. So many awesome apps to play with. Okay gonna stop here and will blog about an awesome product soon. Stay tuned!

Mian <3

Showing you my vain pic! Once in a blue moon :)

Monday, April 2, 2012


Wording post

It's April again, a brand new month. Counting the number of April that I have gone through, and taadaaa, this is the 20th April I'm going through. Still healthy, still talkative but remain silent (sometimes), still love being lazy, overall still myself. This month might be a hectic one, assignments and mid term as usually, and also other stuff lah. 

This year, few days ago, I actually went mount climbing with leos and lions. Can consider as my first time because I went mount climbing with other gang few years back but one of them doesnt have strong stamina and we have no choice but return to hotel at Santubong. This time is a SUCCESSFUL one, I mean we climbed walked non-stop one, no rest in between but actually I'm half dead already after 30mins walking. I hardly talk with anyone because I'm really tired, but the juniors still can jump here and there. Did i mention its Mount Serapi, Matang? But one of our lion named it as Mount Mike because he lives nearby, guess he consider it as his mount already? I'm just assuming lah. It's a great exercise and also great to know most of the lions too. We went there for tree planting in front of an indian temple but I did not participate in that lah because my stamina did not allow me to do so. 

And, did of any of you fooled by your friends/family? I actually fooled by my friend, and i seriously feel stupid because i totally forget it's April fool okay? wo hen ben ah. I will not talk about it because its really stupid, and i thought it was real until my friend say Happy April fool wtf. 

Anyway, do intro me any part time job if the pay is reasonable. Its better if they pay immediately (within a week), i need to start some savings because i will be traveling to three places and I need cash. Thank you in advance. =D