Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy new year 2013

Mobile blogging

Happy new year everyone! I Seriously hope this will be a good year for everyone. Love my family & buddies! <3

From single lady (SL)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Last day of 2012

Today is the last day of the year. Reminiscing 2012 and looking forward to 2013. It's the turning point for me, major changes if I can pass the paper and graduate. Still not sure which path I should go, uncertainties. I want next year to be a better year since it has 3 in it. Lolll, what a reasonn, of cox I wan it to be better from year to year. I'm grateful of everything now. Thank you 2012!

Greeting from Melbourne

Yesss, I'm finally here!

Super short post! Landed here safely and feeling happy!!!

Sorry! I feel like acting cute here with my new bought neck pillow cox I'm soo happy!! One of my wishes come true! Thailand or Bali next year plssss!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

#01 Daddy and daughter

Inspired by Timothy Tiah aka fatty's famous fatty and shorty say series, I decided to blog out the conversations between my dad and I too. I named it "daddy and daughter".

My first attempt. 请多多指教lolol.

It happened at the hotel we stayed in Pulau Pangkor.

Dad: Eh later you let me bath first.

Me: Why? Let me first cox I haven shower one!

Dad: Aiya, I'm faster than you what. Just gimme 3 mins will do.

Me: You say one ar. What if you exceed 3 mins?

Dad: Then I'll leave the room loh.

Me: Okay you said 3 mins ah. *trusted him 100%


Me: Hey dad!!! It's more than 3 mins already!!! *look at the watch* it's even more than 10mins!

Dad: okay lah almost done!

Dad walked out after few mins.

Me: Why you cheat me?

Dad: No lah, you heard the wrong thing lah, it's 30 mins not 3 min.

Me: wtf =_________________= you cheat me loh!

Dad: hahahahahahaha!

Me: *rolled eyes

#03 Daddy and daughter

It happened when we were wandering at Pulau Pangkor.

Me standing at the road side stall, carefully searching for pretty bangles and necklaces.

Me: Dad, you see this pretty or not?

Dad: Wa pretty leh! Not expensive somemore!

Me: yesss! I want but I got no money!

Dad: *ignores* *picking up some bangles and try on it

Dad: What did you said just now?

Me: Aiya, nothing la. *Saw what he is doing* wtf dad, what are you doing? Those are for girls lahhh!!

Dad: cannot try meh? Pretty leh..

Me: But it's for girls lahh..

Dad: Aiya never mind lah. *laugh at me

Me: You crazy!

Dad: Nahh, give you rm50 buy whatever you like lah.

Me: oh yay! Thank you! *touched

End up I keep the money and did not buy anything wtf. Now I regret cox it's so cheap.

#02 daddy and daughter

Having supper together.

Dad: You're going to Aussie right?

Me: Yes, why you ask? I go find my friend ah.

Dad: Find a job there and no need come back lah.

Me: Wa... You don want your daughter come back? Why you like that?

Dad: *ignores

Dad: Eh your friend going back to Malaysia isit?

Me: Yesss, I'm going back with my friend on the same date lah.

Dad: Can your friend don come back?

Me: *secretly thinking (wtf I'm not finding my ex bf ok?!!!) of cox coming back lah, told you I'm going there to find my friend!

Dad: Why your friend coming back? Can your friend don't come back? Go there find a job loh..

Me: Aiya youuu..

Seriously dad, I'm going there to find my friend and is a SHE. I even show my dad her pic and he still thinking I'm going there to find my ex bf (he doesn't know he has becme my ex wtf).

Saturday, December 22, 2012



Thursday, December 20, 2012


This is one of the beautiful dates in 2012. Double 2012. A day before the so-called "end of the world" and also a beautiful day for me.

Spent the whole day with awesome people.

Had breakfast with one of my bff.
Meet up with long lost bff.
Went temple with a kid.
Roller skating with friends.
Shopping with one of my bff.

It's awesome to meet up with different people in a day. I guess you will make my day better with you along but... I know you had an awesome one too. :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I "retweeted" this to Facebook. And such a coincidence it happened to be at 1003! It might not be special to you but it definitely has special meaning to me. Haha I know it's lame but it's my fav num combination.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Do you still care?

What if I disappear for a month and have no updates in any social website including this blog?

Do you 

And, finally change my facebook profile pic! Nice or not? :D

Saturday, December 15, 2012




Thursday, December 13, 2012

#05 Hate you

You're like the wind, you don't know what you've done.

I will not fall for you.

I just won't..


It's not what you've said. It's your attitude. 

So please... 

I will, I will not fall for you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Stress level: 100% 🔜 200%

As you see, now that's really less than 12 hours to the very last paper in 4 years!

Stress level: 200%

Difficulty: 5/5

Preparation: 2/5

I'm no kidding, it's really 2/5.

Wish me luck people. Please pray for me.

Buddha , I need you now.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

3 months ago

Mobile blogging.

3 months ago, I thought I could no longer endure the pain cox it really hurts. It really does. The person I trusted the most after my family. Time flies, with a blink of eyes, coming to the end of semester. The wound is healed but leaving a scar behind. After so long, this post is about you again cox of some reasons. Lately, some people keep asking me about you and this is frustrating. Please don't misunderstand, I'm getting over it already. The previous post isn't all about you as well, please don't make such assumption. It's just I don like people to ask me things that I don wanna repeat it over and over again. But i don blame them cox they're completely ignorance of our stuff. Four years was quite some time, no wonder our names are linked together. You're still very important to me, always.

I'm single and I'm happy. That's it.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I am number 3

This is my fav number (From 1-9). I automatically smile when I see my fav num especially the combination of num which has 3 in it. For example, "1003". All time fav cox that's my birthday, 3 Oct. Even the blog you're reading now, which is mine of course, has 1003. Whenever I see the time stops at 10:03, I'll be very happy cox I think I'm lucky *silly girl. I told my friends about it and they said I'm too lame to be happy cox of this lame thing. •__• what lar? Lololol. If I have to give myself an English name, it will start with E cox it's the reflection of 3 (How smart? Hahaha, jk).

Typing out this lame post for the sake of updating my blog wtf. Good night.

Friday, December 7, 2012




I feel like a vampire tonight.

It's all red. And, you're in my eyes!

Stay away from me. Or else, you'll be mine.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

#04 Right or wrong?

Blood is pumping up to my head. Blushing cheeks. Dizzy head. 

I don't know whether it's right or wrong. 

Everything just out of my control. Because I never plan it to be happened in this way. It's just too awkward. 
But you normal and even, Idk...whether we're right? But you're the one who make this happen. What is that huh? Just awkward. *Bangs Bangs Bangs Bangs head on the wall. 


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

#03 You're number 13

You're number 2 and I'm number 3.

Also, you're number 13 in my list. What's my number in your list? ;)

#490,815,686 (Reversal) 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


明知道不可能,明知道是个陷阱, 却想狠狠的爱下去。你们试过不?

Monday, December 3, 2012

#02 Wish me luck!

Final exam start tomorrow! 

So many readings but I couldn't finish all. The consequences of being sooooo last minute.

This subject isn't that easy as well!

Demotivated and low morale! 

BUTTTTTTTT, feeling energetic cox of you. You're my motivation. 


Sunday, December 2, 2012


There is always someone who loves you, secretly. I wonder..what's on your mind? Why can't you read what I've wrote to you? ||___|| Why do you leave people hanging there? You silly pig!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Beginning of December

Freedom, come to me. I think I must be your number 1 stalker.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Complain Queen

It's been the third week, I stayed at school continuously. Day and night. I feel guilty cox my house is more to a hotel to me for the past few weeks. I went out early and back after 11 at night. And, I feel like puking cox every meal are done outside, so sick of it. I used to complain home food cox it's tasteless but somehow i miss it especially these few weeks. I feel very warm when I finally get back home for dinner (SOOOO happy lolx), few days ago. So, hello future husband, you read this? I want you to cook for me. :P

This final semester is really hard on me cox we did everything like quite last minute. Late submission blah blah blah but the result was surprisingly good. I was like O___O cox we got the highest for some of the assignments. Today, the day that I've waited for has finally come to the end cox I've been working so hard for the final report. I'm glad that our hard work paid off cox overall performance was quite good. But the process is seriously tough cox not all members are doing their work and even if he did, it's partly wrong wtf. Thinking back really make me to roll up my eyes (Sorry, I just couldn't control). Only few members are productive wtf.  For the final presentation, I just don know why I am that nervous and shivering from inside wtf. Trembling hands and sweating palms. I never feel so gan jiong before ahhh. Anyway, it's over & the feedback is kinda good. Buddha loves me. :3

Now pray for my final exam which is on NEXT WEEK. ll___ll Still have 4 days to study all the chapters. KILL ME.   kthxbye. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How I wish

It's part of the decoration in the spring. So pretty right? 
How I wish to stay longer... 
How I're here with me and have a twilight night with me. ll_____ll IMY.
How I never make it so complicated.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Literally dead. So many things to do in limited time. When should I suppose to study? I've got to work dance and study! Stressssss~ Can I cope with it?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Men are all like that

A recent song that I love by Kim Jong Kook. :')

''Men are all like that, I wouldn't be any different

I valued you at first and I flew away

I had all of your heart and I flew away

Men are all like that

It seems like I could never catch your heart

But little by little, your heart became to come into my hands

Now I feel burdened when you say you can't live without me

I used to stay up all night, worried that your heart would change

When I opened my eyes, I called you to make sure of your voice

I used to hope that moment last forever''








Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sneak peak for Swinburne prom night

Event: Swinburne 2012 Prom Night
Theme: Red Carpet Glamour 

This is the first and also the last time joining the prom by my uni. Seriously not worth it cox the food seriously just ..... not so nice. I just ate few prawns and soup. And the performance... also... LOL. Not gonna comment it. 

Yay! My first friend I first met in Swinburne. Finally get to talk to her after so many years lol. 

My buddy! ;)

Super light make up that you can barely see anything on my face HAHA. 

Me with the Sexyyy.

More pictures to come. To be continued...

Monday, November 5, 2012






Eternity love? 那只是一个美丽的传说。

Define forever. There's no forever if you're just saying but no action. 

To my future one

I'm writing for my future one, the one I will love forever with no regrets. 

I'm writing this to you because I want you to get to know me...the me before we met, the me before we became us. 

But who are you? where are you? how are you? 

Still uncertainties. 

You might be someone I already knew or someone unknown who is waiting for my coming. You might be single or having a person with you right now. Whoever you are and whatever you are doing now, I hope you are okay cox I know you will come to me somehow. It's just a matter of time. For now, I'm not ready into a  new relationship yet cox you know...just not ready yet...cox i take every relationship seriously..but I hope we wouldn't have to wait for soooo long to be together.For now, I still able to enjoy my single life, still happy cox i still have awesome friends around me. And I know they always here for me. =)

I'm not sure whether if you will read it, but since I have chose you, it simply means I'm comfortable with you and I want to be yours forever. I hope it will be forever. No more fooling around, just be serious. I'm the serious type and I don't want to waste my time just to play with you. Fyi, I used quite a long period just to decide who I should be before getting into the relationship cox i took many factors into considerations. Internal and external wtf. Uncontrollable cox i think alot, far more than you thought. And, I don't care how many person you loved before me cox they have somehow shaped what you have became now. And maybe that's what I love about you, not because of your past. But you better be clean wtf. If you know what I mean. 

I'm not perfect. In fact, I'm pretty much the opposite way. I'm on the way of be a better be a person you wouldn't want to leave. But you have to know.. I'm hot temper and easily frustrated when things don't go the way I anticipated. I might bite as well. So I can't promise you I will always be kind to you. And I love to sing whenever I can, so please bear with me cox sometimes is very nan ting one wtf. And I love LeeHom cox he's perfect for me so please don't jealous. I still love you thou. And most importantly, my cooking skills is just better know how to cook lah HAHA. Damn, after writing this down, what do you love about me? cox it seems i  have a lot que dian wtf. 

I don't need you to feed me cox I know I have the ability to feed myself and even my family. But...sometimes I still hope you will say you will YANG WO okayy? I will be very happy if you do that. I hope people can see me drown in happiness when I'm with you and tell me you're THE ONE. Also, I hope you are the one who can stay with me no matter what happened. 

You are all I long for.. 

Be my last love, would you? 


Sunday, October 28, 2012


I seriously don't know what you want. You are like a poison, so dangerous yet so... I hope it won't make my life corrupted cox I want to make my life wonderful.

Single lady

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Yes, this is a good bye post. 

And yes, this is about my relationship. 

And yes, if you're reading it, you're shock, so do i. I'm getting over it but till now i cant really accept it really happened. I ever thought of it, but certainly not in this way. 

Yes, we broke up. And it happened months ago. No one knew it when it happened. It was really a hard time for me at that time. If you ever encounter this kind of situation, you'll certainly know how i felt. If you never come across this, you wouldn't know how i really felt cox this feelings is something that I couldn't write in words. It's bitter anyway. Everyplace has our memories so it was kind of hard for me not to think about it. Whenever I step in my room, I see the stuff he bought for me and even the phone I'm using now is also one of my presents from him. The route from home to school, I'll pass by his house and office. And whenever I think of roti canai also remind me of him cox we used to have that for our supper and many many many more. Slowly, i told my friends about it and they gave me almost the same responses. My brother din't even believe it at the first place cox 

'' Wtf? Really? Seriously? Cox you don look sad at all.'' He said. 

Of cox i did cry, I admit okayyy. Who don't when this happened, right? Just that I din't show my emo-ness to you okayyy. But i did show to some friends cox i know they won't ask me anything one. But most of the times, people still see me smiling or even laughing , like nothing happened. =) Frankly speaking, I did persuade him to stay...but last for one day still have to accept it no matter how hard it is cox it has happened right? I know, I will somehow get over it. It's just a matter of time. 

We knew each other when we're 10. And now, we're 21. So basically we know each other for 11 years but we became closer in secondary school cox of our seats. My love story is kinda dramatic since secondary sch cox most of the time is complicated. I hate when the wrong person keep bumping to me cox it cause me to have more fan nao wtf. 

I remember this year was the first time we celebrate valentine day together, i mean physically. But yeah, also the last time. Maybe...fate drew us together and pull us back again. But, I'm here to say, my ex boyfriend is really really a good guy. He has good family background, educated, mature, faithful, devote when he's in love with you, girlfriend is always priority, wont give up on you even when people around oppose, always show his love to you, respect you, not stingy and will give the best to you if he can afford. You feel safe when you're with him cox of the way he thinks and how he treats you. In this relationship, he really show how good he is as a boyfriend and I have to admit that i did not play my role very well like what he did. He accepted me for who I am. I appreciate and grateful for what he had done for me so many years. We once thought our stories have no ending but yea...Thank you. I know you will read this. At least, I've learnt from mistakes.  

Love left us. 

We couldn't get back to what we used to be anymore. We're still friends anyway. 

"We are never ever ever getting back together'' - Taylor Swift

The end.

I do not want anyone to ask me again cox i really don feel like talking about it again and again. 

I'm really glad we're still friends, and all the best to us. =) Thank you, still. =')


Saturday, October 20, 2012


Lately I couldn't focus in my studies.

Like seriously, cannot concentrate when time is ticking. 

What happened to me? 

Dear Buddha, trusting you to lead a to a better future. 




Thursday, October 18, 2012


Man. I'm depressed. Like seriously. Anyone talk to? Shit on me.


I'm drenched in your love

I'm no longer able to hold it back

We din't find each other that often but I wish to see you every minute every second

When you kissed me that day, I kissed you back 

You held me in your arms, I held you back in mine

When i look into your eyes, I feel loved. 

Isit wrong to feel it right? 

But it doesn't seem to matter anymore.

I wonder if you still remember your promises?

Or you are just saying for the sake of making me happy? 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Copy paste. 



1、既然我的选择 —— 是你,就决定这辈子都和你在一起。无论你的贫穷、富贵、英俊与平凡,我看重的只是你的高贵人格特质和对人生的负责任。



4、我们尽量不吵架,虽然我还没见过没吵过架的恋人,但是我尽量、虽然有时会任性,但我不会蛮不讲理,就算我们吵架了,答应我,不要轻易说分手,因为有些话说出了就收不回了…… 如果我先开口说了“分手”两字,请你明白那是因为男女的思维模式的不同,那是我的口是心非,说离开只是想被挽留,只是想让你可以像我在乎你那样在乎我。
















